FREE Stock Market Investment course! an app made for TABLETS ONLY!
1. Get to know the basics and buzz words - Bonds, Stocks, Funds, ETF, FOF, etc.
2. Fundamental analysis investment - Learn how to calculate stock real value and how to pick outperforming stocks.
3. Technical analysis - The art of graphs and patterns used by investors to beat the market
4. Real estate investment - 12 different types of strategies investing in real estate, many tips and trick you must know if you intend to buy a house.
Success guaranteed! You will know how to pick the right stock share and you will outperform the market for the long run, if only you'll spend the time learning and practicing along the course lessons.
Investing on stockmarket can be simple, if the investor has good background and pre-decided plan.
Learn to invest like the big guns, be the investor who knows what he's doing, knowledge is power especially when it comes to investing in stocks, bonds, funds, ETF, and more.
Any one should know at least the basic of intelligent investment. even if it's just for a retirement portfolio that makes sure your capital is getting bigger, you wouldn't be the loser of the interests but using basic things like bond, etfs and stocks will help you understanding the advisors.
after learning the basics more buzz words should be learned like:
nse, dow jones, mutual funds, hedge fund, penny stocks, usaa, scottrade, etrade,schwab, vanguard, sharebuilder, ameritrade, optionsxpress, zecco, janus, thinkorswim ect. You'll find it all in this free investment course app for tablets only!免费股市投资课程!为平板电脑只作了一个应用程序!
1。了解的基本知识,流行词汇 - 债券,股票,基金,交易所买卖基金,FOF等。
2。基本面分析投资 - 了解如何计算股票的实际价值,如何挑选跑赢股票。
3。技术分析 - 利用投资者战胜市场的图形和图案的艺术
4。房地产投资 - 12种不同类型的战略投资房地产,很多技巧和欺骗,你必须知道,如果你打算买房子。